Thursday, February 3, 2011


i have no idea why i even start things like a blog. Sometimes i feel like I may have ADD which is why I just lose focus so quickly. Nothing holds my interest for too long. I get bored with things so easily. I was so excited when I started this blog. I thought I should finally put voice out there into cyberspace. After the 9th one I stopped. It's not because I don't have the time. I'm virtually on the computer the whole day and I always carry my iPhone with me. Then I thought well may be, tweeting is a better option. Since it's short and doesn't take up too much time. Good luck with consistency with that. Well, I just started reading the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. So may be i'll start becoming more focused and continue writing. Or may be I'll just be back in a few months.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I always thought I believed in soulmates. Yet when someone asked me today if I do, my instinctive response was "No." why is that? I justified it by saying, maybe I haven't found my one yet. But would that be the only reason? How many people actually believe in soulmates? May be they believe in the concept. But how many actually believe that they will find a soulmate?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The grass is greener on the other side

I've always wondered whether it is. I heard an interesting perspective last night. It is! And this comes from people wanting change. As much as we are resistant to change, there comes a point where we definitely welcome some degree of change. May be it's got to do with the times we live in. We live in a time of globalization. And when there isn't something different coming along we get so easily bored. And then I think of people who have working in the same job for 15, 20 and sometimes even more than 25 years. Yet they are content. Content with their job, content with their lifestyle and content with themselves. Makes me wonder if people of my generation could ever be that way. Just content...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Do morning people really rule the world?

I recently read somewhere that morning people do in fact rule the world. And I wonder why that should be. Why is there an obsession with waking up early? From the age of 4 we are taught to wake up early for school which rolled on to college and finally work. People who went to afternoon school where I grew up were looked down upon. It was like they were not good enough for the morning session and I never understood that. So is it true that people who wake early are more productive or is just a notion that's been drilled into us from generations past? Waking up at the crack of dawn was the wise thing to do because then people could have a lot of daylight. Without electricity the nights were too dark to do anything productive. But that's all changed now. Nighttime is probably just as bright as day. So why do we still need to wake up early? And why should it be true that morning people rule the world?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mobile blogging

So finally I decided to download a software that let's me use my mobile to blog. Recently I came across a blog written by an acquaintance and while it was really about nothing, kinda like the Seinfeld show, I couldn't help but think how interesting it was. I don't know if I'm inspired or I'm just bored but it makes me feel like starting up my blog again. Most people like me would just use Twitter. Somehow just 140 words just doesn't seem to cover it all. That space is more about putting out news headlines while a proper blog follows with the story.

Monday, May 10, 2010

The bookstore

i just love a good bookstore. Actually i stand corrected. I love any kind of bookstore. I think just the thought of words on pages is something i like. No matter how much material I can find online, I still need a book. I actually thought about investing in an iPad or a Kindle, but I've only ever read an e-book once in my life... Little Women. And it was a good book. Possibly the only reason I got through the whole thing, was because I was eager to finish the book and didn't have the time to actually get to a bookstore to buy the paperback version. But I'm the kind of person who will buy a book about anything. I can get lost in a bookstore even if it's a tiny store. Once I actually made a pact with myself not to buy any more books until I had read all the ones I already have in my possession. Guess what, I didn't make it through a week. My reading time has definitely decreased because of the various distractions that technology brings. I spend hours on the internet. Never really reading anything because Google throws out so many websites, you actually forget what you were searching for in the first place. And then there are tv serials. I don't actually watch them on TV anymore but on DVDs. So I get to watch them back to back to back.... and some of them can be so engrossing. But in the end, I still don't think there's anything like a good book.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Hunt for the perfect Resume

One of my biggest problems is trying to find the perfect everything. This time it's a resume. After more than five years I have decided to revamp my resume. I've been updating it bit by bit over the last few years, but now I need something spectacular. I want to change my career. Although this is probably not the best time to be doing this, I feel I need a change. I'm completely comfortable where I'm working and doing well too, so most people will think I'm an idiot for wanting to change my life drastically. But my thoughts are the best time to attempt a change is when you're comfortable where you are and not when your back is against a wall. I'm thinking more clearly, have more time to organize my choices and make a good decision, instead of making a drastic one. So again, coming back to my initial problem, finding the perfect resume. I've grasped the concept that a resume is essentially a tool to market yourself. Where do I go from there? I know what I do, but phrasing it in the perfect lingo is a challenge. And then there's the problem of phrasing it in a way to be attractive to a different career path. Let's see where my quest takes me. I suppose the best way to approach it would be just to spend few hours doing it and then review it the next day to see if it still is as brilliant as I thought it was when I wrote it. In either case, it has to be brilliant!! :)